Titan’s Kickboxing club is registered with SAKA
(South African Kickboxing Association) which is internationally affiliated with WAKO (World Association of Kickboxing Organizations) which in turn is affiliated with GAISF (General Association of International Sports Federations). 

Nationally we are affiliated with MA & GC
(Martial Arts and Games Committee) who is registered with the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC).

Titans Kickboxing club was started in 2009 and is owned by Sensei Louise van Staden and Sensei Anthony van Staden.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to objectively promote and practice kickboxing in all its modes (Semi, light, full, low kick, and K1 Rule) according to international rules, regulations, and national objectives.


We work according to the constitutions of SAAKA ( South African Amateur Kickboxing Association ) and MA & GC ( Martial Arts & Games Committee ).


Managerial process

Our Managerial process is democratic of nature governed by a constitution with a laid down activity plan for the year which is planned at the Annual General Meeting. We are managed by an executive who are elected at the MA & GC every second year.


Our Attitude

You can only make a difference if you actively participate. We do not tolerate people who always have bad things to say about others, but they themselves are not actively involved in promoting the sport. Practice what you preach and maintain integrity.